Badgers, Blessings and Beautiful Skies

Well 2020 was a rather odd and unexpected year.
We had just got our booking systems up and running and we were ready for a busy old year here at Drumwhill. Then, unexpectedly, everything changed.
It took a little while in March to adjust to the new normal and having no one here… and then it became a wonderful adventure! New walks from the door to discover… a new playground… a garden… and a different way of looking at the world.
Many things opened in this time. Seeds were planted… and nature bloomed… and bearing witness to this was such a gift.
Then suddenly in July, Government guidelines changed again here in Scotland and Self- Catering accommodation was allowed to open with just a few days notice. All change again… and the cottage and retreats became our priority for the next 4 months.
Cleaning… People coming and going… Cleaning some more… Meeting wonderful new people… Cleaning again… And sharing our wonderful space at Drumwhill with you all
And we were very blessed…
There were solo travellers… Couples… Families… Friends…. Holidayers… Workers… People who had been to Galloway before… And people who hadn’t.
We loved the joy of this time…. the joy of those who had been cooped up being able to get out again; the delight of children playing, running down the hills, arms open, squealing with joy; the relief of those who arrived with the weight of the world on their shoulders… seeing them slowly come back to life; the pleasure of those who did new things, found new places, walked, talked, played, ate, swam, adventured and share and created memories together.
The wonder of those who felt so completely at home… And the way that the cottage was home to each of you, and seemed to just rearrange itself meet the differing needs and ways of living of each of you. It was beyond anything we could have dreamed of.
And we learned, added things, took things away, got clearer about somethings and celebrated the wonder of following our dreams
And it was wonderful, to meet you all. Such a pleasure and a gift.
And there are so many wonderful memories from last year… And so many wonderful stories… And we are exceptionally grateful for each and every one of you and to have been able to share this our dream with you and include you in the wide and vast Drumwhill family. Thank you.
Thank you for your presence, company, messages, feedback, custom, pleasure… and for sharing this wonderful place with us.
Thank you also for your photos. We love to receive them and hear about the things you have done, discovered and enjoyed whilst here in Galloway.
Here are just a few of our favourites….
Badgers taken by wildlife photographer Rick Forster who stayed at Drumwhill with friends Alec and Andrew whilst visiting local photography hides.
The Night Skies and the Milky Way from Drumwhill by David Eaves. We so love being in the Galloway Dark Sky Park and it is so amazing to have a copy of this photo taken from the garden here at Drumwhill. Thank you so much David
The ponies from Nicola and family Adults and children alike are taken with the ponies in the surrounding fields and the shetlands have such wonderful personalities. Here are Rhian and Jaxx with one of the 2 black ponies that they named Jelly and Bella
Wild Swimming from Tim. This was one of quite a few wild swimming photos we received, thanks Becky and Tim. Tim enjoyed both loch and river swimming whilst here. Walking down to Woodhall Loch and the Black Water of Dee river and also at Stroan Loch and the Otter Pools. There are so many places to swim here in Galloway.
Please do keep sending us your photos and messages… We love to hear from you and they really make our day.
And we hope very much to be able to open and see you back here again soon
In the meantime feel free to follow our adventures here
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and Subscribe to our Newsletter (we’re almost definitely going to find the time to write these this year!)
Much love
Rachael and Matt