Mossdale, Galloway, Scotland, DG7 2NL
01644 450269

What Is Yoga?

What Is Yoga?

Rachael_Yoga Drumwhill
Rachael_Yoga Drumwhill

Perhaps it is a funny question….
but actually how many of us know what yoga, or anything is about until we have explored and experienced it for ourselves. Without exploration and the experience of something, it is simply a concept, or a perception, made up of what we have seen and heard.
And in truth, it is really hard to understand anything fully that way.

Even if we have “tried” yoga… We still may have only just touched the surface
Yoga is union…. Of mind body and spirit
And yoga is you
You at your essence
And you, your physical human body
You who you are now
And you, your potentiality, who you can be
And you as a reflection and part of the whole, of the universe in your own unique and perfect way

Yoga is a gift
A way to access the still point where you can just be
A way to drop more deeply into your body
Connect more deeply with your essence
And drop down beneath the busy-ness of day to day life and the mind

Yoga is a way to cultivate a joyous and considerate way of being with yourself.

A way to let go of what does not serve.
A way to step in to what does, with grace and ease

Yoga is a choice
A way of life
A life style
That is at its essence respectful

Respectful of life
And of all that it is

Yoga is a tool
A practical tool
To always have in your tool kit

A tool to uplift, energise, replenish

A tool to calm
A tool to step forward
A tool to let go
A tool to trust better
A tool to balance
A tool for resilience
A tool to take care of your own health and wellbeing
A tool to discover what you like and what helps you and when
And a simple pleasure to move your body with kindness and wonder …. and discover just what else may be possible for you today.

With love


New online classes begin in March 2021, please email to book or find out more

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