Retreat Experiences for 1-6 people
Did you ever wish that you and your friends or you and your enjoyable other could come on a retreat that’s just for you?
well now you can! Rachael and Matt have a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience that enable them to offer a wide range of bespoke retreats, just for you ……
Bring yourself, your partner, your family, your friends and have your very own retreat
Each of these retreats gives a broad idea of what will be included in your retreat and the they can be tailored to suit your individual needs
You can book for an individual themed retreat or you can choose to mix and match or to simply create your own.
The beauty of this is that you can get exactly what you want
Retreats take place in and around Drumwhill in this magical part of Galloway, South West, Scotland, where you are guaranteed to experience some of the natural and simple pleasures of life, such as the magnificent views, the plethora of wildlife, the wide and diverse heritage and landscapes and the slower simpler pace of life, making this a haven and the perfect retreat getaway….
During your retreat you will stay in Drumwhill Bungalow. A self contained, self catering cottage, with newly fitted kitchen and nature themed rooms. In between your retreat sessions, your time is your own to simply relax, and chill, read, journal, watch the birds, write, paint, sketch, swim in the loch, take a stroll around the lanes, sit on the top of one of the hills, talk with the trees, enjoy the magical and ancient woodland and more. Alternatively you could book a relaxing holistic treatment, coaching session or intuitive body release.
Your neighbours will be the Shetland ponies, the sheep, cows, red kites, rabbits, deer, foxes, badgers, red squirrels, garden birds, bees, butterflies and all the creatures that call Drumwhill and its surroundings their home. Your water comes up to the bungalow from a well and is natural and fresh and your surroudings are beautiful, unspoilt, wild and free.
We will arrange the layout of your retreat together with you so its just right
Individual and group sessions with be at Drumwhill house, with spectacular loch views supported by the mountains behind and outdoor sessions will be from the door, apart from 1 day walks, which Matt will choose together with you after some discussion about terrain, what you would like to see and the length and level of challenge you are looking for.
Rachael will organise and co-ordinate your itinerary with you and will lead the welcome and closing sessions, so you can share your requirements and start and end your time at Drumwhill in a wonderfully welcoming way. She will tailor any sessions, 1-1 coaching or mentoring, yoga and activities to your aims, level and requirements. She is skilled at working with diverse groups and has been facilitating and teaching groups for many years.
…. and Drumwhill will provide the perfect place for you to relax unwind and come home.
Once you have been here, you will not want to leave
Options for your customisable bespoke retreat experience are as follows…..
Just a few words from me about the retreat
It was exceptional
Truly exceptional
And Rachael … you’re magic!
Thank you
Anthony, Ossett